
Safety and Practicalities

Practicalities & Safety


Due to the great risk of forest fires during the summer months, new regulations makes it less predictable to plan a specific summer hike.

New regulations from 2013 makes all areas within Bouche du Rhone and Vaucluse subject for immediate closure depending on conditions. You therefore need to call 0811 201313 (Bouche du Rhone) or 0811 208484 (Vaucluse) for exact information for the area you plan to walk in during the period 1st June till 30th September. You need to make the telephone call after 18.00 the day before your walk for the latest information; thus making life unpredictable.

Red alert means you need to be out of the area before 12.00 in Vaucluse (2016) and in Bouche du Rhone you can walk in the area between 05.00 and 13.00 (2017). Black alert means you cannot walk all day. Orange alert means you can walk all day. For more information, try their web page: or You could also use their app:
MyProvence Balade

Walking could be a hazardous activity any time of the year. The trails in the Luberon mountain are generally speaking well marked (unlike only 10-15 years ago), but depending on the weather, they could become very slippery (in rain or frost) and the wind could suddenly blow at tremendous speed. Check the weather forecast before you go, and bring enough cloths and tap water for drinking.

Basic safety Rules

• Make sure you have plenty of time to finish the walk before dark.

• Don’t overestimate your own or your fellow tour mates’ capabilities. Study the route carefully before you go and monitor progress under way. Keep an eye on the weather. Make a full return if necessary.

• Do not walk alone if you can help it, and leave details of the intended route and expected return time with somebody responsible before you leave.

• Make sure you have the relevant map(s) and a compass with you. You cannot rely on GPS receivers in remote areas.

• Check the weather forecast for the area, especially regarding winds and rain.