
Monday, March 4, 2019

Les Borrys (Merindol): Vallon du Degoutau – Rochers des Onze Heurs – 6h.

Large deep cave in the Roque des Bancs (a small detour for lunch).

Fantastic walk, recently descoved on VisoRando (tip from a local friend). This ascent to the top of Petite Luberon is the most spectacular I have ever experienced, and the descent was also one of the best. So this makes the walk one of my preferred walks in the whole of Luberon. But it  has its difficulties.

Waiting for the chain going up!

The walk is classified on VisoRando as very difficult, and I must agree in general. The main difficulty is climbing a 6-7 meter almost vertical cliff with the help of a chain that is in place here. You need to be an experienced mountain walker with strong hands to handle the chain. But we are a couple aged 67 and 70 years old and we had no problems getting up on our first attempt at this walk in March 2019.

Last of the 2 chains.
The other main difficulty is simply finding your way. But that is really no problem any longer, as long as you have loaded your portable telephone with IGN-maps and the gpx-file that shows this walk. (I use the VisoRando app.) I can assure you that you will have some difficulties without this! You have the link to map and gpx-file below.

Basic information:

Duration:      6h (including lunch)
Distance:     14 km.
Ascent:        600 m
Difficulty:      Difficult
Start/finish:   Les Borrys (2.5km east of Merindol)
Map:             IGN 3142 OT (1cm=250 m)

Rochers des Onze Heurs

Fantastic views all the way up!

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