
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Cucuron: Autour de Cucuron et la Boissiere.


This is a local walk around Cucuron, starting with Chapelle de l’Hermitage with great views. Afterwards the walks go eastwards on the GR9 trail in direction of Cabrieres d’Aigues, but you take off this trail down passed the old ruins of la Reynaude. You continue further down south passed la Boissieres and finally arriving at Galon before you enter Cucuron again along the vineyards.

Montagne Saint Victoir.
You start the walk from the bottom of the l’Etang (parking area in here on the right) and follow signs for Vaugines. You take off left from this route fairly soon onto the vineyard route (wrought iron signs). Take right, however, from this route at the end of the first fields and you will soon be up at the main road between Cucuron and Vaugines at Guet. Go straight across this road and further north onto the little road that takes off here. You will soon see la Chapelle l’Hermitage in the distant hill and you will be up there in about 40 minutes from l’Etang de Cucuron.

You pass by the Chapelle (either side) and continue the forest track road on the back. In about 15-20 minutes you will be on the 530 meter point where you meet up with the main forest fire road (GL-31) going all the way up to Mourre Negre. Just across this road, however, you see the red & white GR markers on a path going into the woods here for la Tuiliere (the GR route comes along the road from Cucuron and turns right here). You want to take this path in order to join the old road between Aix and Apt at la Tuiliere (Chemin d’Apt).

Follow the GR markings up to the next yellow signpost at Vallon de la Fayette, where the GR route take off to the right for Cabrieres d’Aigues. You arrive here about 40 minutes after leaving la Chapelle l’Hermitage and you take right here for “Cabrieres d’Aigues”. You stay on the GR trail for about 30 minutes. At the 763 meter point where the path takes a 270 degrees turning to the left in a rocky climb, you see a good path taking off down to your right. Take this path and after 15 minutes you come to a small opening suitable for a lunch.

At the 577 meter point, after about 1,7km from the GR trail you are in the vicinity of the ruins of la Reynaude (a smaller path takes off to the left and the ruins is only 100 meters further down). But there is not much to see now. The ruins are almost completely taken over by vegetation, so I suggest you just continue on the main path.

About 25 minutes after the ruins, the path ends up on a track road which you will follow for another 10 minutes until you turn left onto another track road further down. After only less than 5 minutes, however, at the 421 meter point, you turn right off this road onto another track road going straight south (turning off in a small hill). A good 15 minutes later you should end up crossing the main road between Cucuron and Cabrieres d’Aigues at the 377 meter point.

You cross the main road and go directly onto the small road on the other side. The road passes 2 houses (good distance) and continues south till it meets up with the extension of Chemin de Galon, another small track road that goes straight back in to Cucuron. You will be walking along some private fields, but keep to the edges and you will be ok.

Mourre Negre.
When you get to the end of the track road (what I called the extension of Chemin de Galon) you will be at the 345 meter point (Galon), where 5 roads meet. Instead of going straight ahead on Chemin Galon, I suggest you take the second left turning and walk down 200 meters till you see a nice track road taking off to the right leading you straight to Cucuron along the vineyards.

When you reach Cucuron, go straight across the main road and into the village here. This little road will take you up to the Church and just continue through the village till you come out at the other side; at the l’Etang.

Basic information:

Duration:       6h (incl. 1h lunch)
Distance:      15 km.
Ascent:         460 m
Difficulty:      Moderate
Start/finish:   Cucuron
Map:             IGN 3243 OT (1cm=250 m)

VisoRando Lien.
Pour le fichier GPX, vous pouvez télécharger à partir d'ici (voir ci-dessus) ou mettre à jour via ce lien VisoRando où vous pourrez également voir l'itinéraire sur une bonne carte:

For the GPX-file, you could download from here (see just above) or go to this VisoRando link where you also will see the route on a good map.

If you have problems with this VisoRando link, download the GPX-file from above and import it to VisoRando or other application.

19.06.2020 Anne: 6h30min total (slow), lunch 12.00 at Ruins. GR'en litt bratt nedover og
                    steinete. Bedre å gå den andre veien? Ikke når varmt! Og lite lunch-plasser
                    langs GR'en. En fin tur også i varmen med mest skygge etter 1 time.

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